Thursday, 5 February 2015

With YOUR blessing ya ALLAH

Dengan Nama Mu Ya ALLAH
Aku Tinggalkan masa silamku
tanpa rasa menyesal...............

The past is gone, but every time you give thought
 to it you bring it back into the present moment....
 Now, of course, thinking happy thoughts
 from your past is just fine they will act to reinforce
 the present joys in your life and be a positive influence,
 but the thoughts that seem to haunt you the most are usually the unhappy ones....

    "I let go of the past, live in the now and let the future unfold on its own.
    I no longer focus on the negative events in my past, but rejoice in the pleasures of the present moment.

    Past events no longer influence my life; I live fully in each moment.
    I live in the present the past is gone and no longer plays a part my life"

Don't judge me by my past :-)

Allah Maha Kaya

Helping people boost themselves out of poverty is the best way to make a lasting positive difference in a person's life. It was related on the authority of Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu ‘anhu, that the Prophet, , said: “Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world, Allah will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter. Whosoever alleviates the difficulties of a needy person who cannot pay his debt, Allah will alleviate his difficulties in both this world and the Hereafter. Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. Allah will aid a servant (of His) so long as the servant aids his brother. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. No people gather together in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except that tranquillity descends upon them, mercy covers them, the angels surround them, and Allah makes mention of them amongst those who are in His presence. Whosoever is slowed down by his deeds will not be hastened forward by his lineage.” [Cahayapurnama]


Sempurnakah Iman kita jika mengatakan "si fulan tu bukan baik sangat pun" pada sesama muslim..? Walaupun kita ni berpurdah... berniqob... berserban... berjubah... berkopiah.. kita yakin kita ni dah baik sangat..? Bukankah perbuatan itu telah membuka keaiban muslim lain kepada muslim yang lain..? Beberapa buah hadith telah menyatakan: 1.) Sesiapa yang menutup aib saudara muslimnya maka Allah akan menutup aibnya di akhirat” (HR. at-Tirmidzi dan disahihkan oleh Al-Albani) 2.) “Wahai golongan yang beriman dengan lisannya, tetapi tidak beriman dengan hatinya. Janganlah kamu mengumpat kaum Muslimin dan janganlah mengintip keaiban mereka, maka barang siapa yang mengintip keaiban saudaranya, nescaya Allah akan mengintip keaibannya dan siapa yang diintip Allah akan keaibannya maka Allah akan membuka keaibannya walaupun dirahsiakan di lubang kenderaannya.” (HR. at-Tirmidzi)